BJP National Kisan Morcha announced its new team of office-bearers on 08 June, 2017. The Morcha’s new team has eight Vice-Presidents, two General Secretaries, eight Secretaries and 50 Executive Members. BJP Kisan Morcha National President Shri Virendra Singh Mast made the announcement and said the Morcha will continue to work for the interests of farmers from across the country. The office-bearers have been drawn from different regions of the country. Lok Sabha MPs Shri Om Prakash Yadav, Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat and Savitri Thakur are among its office bearers.
list of kisan morcha office bearers:
President: Birendra Singh Mast
Rashtriya Prabhari: Satyapal mallik
Rashtriya Sangathak: Hridaya Nath Singh
Vice President: A. Pasa Patel, Maharashtra
Om Prakash Yadav, MP, Bihar
Savitri Thakur, MP, Madhya Pradesh
Narendra Sirohi, Uttar Pradesh
Shailendra Sanger, Bihar
Shankar Gour Patil, Karnataka
Maheshwar Sahu, Odisha
Ajit Chaube, Uttar Pradesh
General Secrectary:
P. Sugrakar Rao, Telangana
Gajendra Singh Sekhavat, MP, Rajasthan
Media Communicator:
Rakesh Singh, Uttar Pradesh
Secretary: Pravin Patel, MLA, Uttar Pradesh
Dr. Shambhu Kumar, Bihar
Om Prakash Yadav, Madhya Pradesh
P. C. Mohanan Master, Kerala
Dinesh Tyagi, Haryana
Sukhvinder Pal Singh Groval, Punjab
Dushyant Lakra, Delhi
Rajesh Sanger, Madhya Pradesh
Tresurer: Sudhir Tyagi, Uttar Pradesh