Bharatiya Janata Party National President Shri JP Nadda appointed Shri Deepak Prakash as the state BJP President of Jharkhand on 25 February, 2020. He has also appointed Shri Abdul Khader Haji as the party’s President of Lakshadweep and Shri Csering Dorjay as the President of Ladakh Union Territories respectively.
Shri Deepak Prakash was a party general secretary in Jharkhand and his elevation comes after the election of Shri Babulal Marandi as the BJP legislative party leader in the state.
A communication from the Party also said that Shri Abdul Khader Haji will head the Lakshadweep unit.
Likewise, Bharatiya Janata Party National President also appointed Shri Chering Dorjay as the new President of BJP Ladakh on 05 February, 2020 reads a press release issued by BJP National General Secretary, Shri Arun Singh. The appointment comes into immediate effect, it added.
BJP National President appoints new BJP Jharkhand President and Presidents of Lakshadweep and Ladakh UTs
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