The BJP on December 14 won six out of ten municipal councils in the Maharashtra. Maharashtra BJP President Raosaheb Danve hailed his party’s victory and said the BJP has won the chairperson’s post at five places. Shri Danve said, “As per the results declared for the seven municipal councils/Nagar Panchayats today, the BJP has won the chairperson’s post at five places at Aurangabad, Nanded, Kolhapur, Dhule and Gondia.” The BJP won 50 posts out of the total 123 councillors, in the fray in seven municipal councils, the Maharashtra BJP president said. Danve further claimed that the BJP won the chairperson’s post in Trimbakeshwar.
Danve added, “Therefore, as per the results for the first two phases, the BJP has won six out of ten municipal councils and 75 posts of councillors,” Attributing it to the developmental works carried out by the BJP, he said, “People have once again voted for development works under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and state Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis. The Fadnavis-led government has started disbursing the loan waiver amount that had been declared for farmers.”