Ahead of the Maharashtra assembly elections, the BJP National President Shri Amit Shah on 16 July, 2019 appointed Revenue Minister Shri Chandrakant Dada Patil and Party MLA Shri Mangal Prabhat Lodha as the BJP Presidents of Maharashtra and Mumbai city units, respectively.
While Shri Patil has replaced Shri Raosaheb Danve, who resigned as the Maharashtra BJP President after his induction into Union cabinet, Shri Lodha, will take place of Shri Ashish Shelar who was recently appointed as a minister in the state government.
As per BJP constitution, a party leader cannot continue to hold the post of the President for more than two terms. Shri Shelar had served as the President of the Mumbai unit for the last six years.
Shri Patil hails from Kolhapur district in western Maharashtra, while Shri Lodha represents Malabar Hill constituency in south Mumbai.