Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 28 July addressed the 112th episode of Mann Ki Baat marking his second Mann Ki Baat in the new term. In the episode he said that the Paris Olympics are the flavour of the season in the whole world. During the episode Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi also connected over phone with the winners of the International Mathematics Olympiad who won 4 gold and 1 silver medal for the country. The following are highlights of the address :
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi addressing the Mann Ki Baat said, ”At this moment, the Paris Olympics are the flavour of the season in the whole world. The Olympics give our players a chance to hoist the tricolour on the world stage; give them a chance to do something for the country. He appealed to motivate our players.
–He adds, “Besides these Olympics in the world of sports, a few days ago, Olympics have also taken place in the world of mathematics… the International Mathematics Olympiad. In this Olympiad, students of India have performed exceptionally well. Our team performed her best in that and won four Gold and one Silver Medal. Youth from more than 100 countries participate in the International Mathematics Olympiad and in the overall tally, our team has been successful in reaching the top five. The names of these students who have brought glory to the country are – Aditya Venkat Ganesh from Pune, Siddharth Chopra from Pune itself, Arjun Gupta from Delhi, Kanav Talwar from Greater Noida, Rushil Mathur from Mumbai and Anando Bhaduri from Guwahati.”
–On the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan’ Prime Minister said, the day 15th August is not far away. And now another campaign has been added to the 15th of August, ‘Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan’. For the last few years, everyone’s fervour for the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan’ remains high in the entire country. Be it the poor… the rich… small households, big households, everyone feels proud waving the Tricolor.
–The PM said the Tiger Day will be celebrated all over the world tomorrow. In India, Tigers have been an integral part of our culture. We all have grown up listening to stories of incidents related to tigers. In the villages around forests, everyone knows how to live in harmony with the tiger. In our country, there are many villages where there is no conflict between humans and tigers. But where such a situation arises, unprecedented efforts are being made for the protection of tigers there as well. One such effort of public participation is “Kulhadi Band Panchayat”. The “Kulhadi Band Panchayat” campaign that started from Ranthambor of Rajasthan is very interesting. The local communities themselves have taken an oath that they will not go to the forest with axes and will not cut trees. Due to this one decision, the forests here are becoming green once again, and a better environment is being created for the tigers.
–Friends, along with the increase in tiger population, the forest area in our country is also increasing rapidly. In that too, great success is being achieved through community efforts. In the last ‘Mann Ki Baat’ program, I discussed with you the program ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’. I am happy that a large number of people in different parts of the country are connecting with this campaign. A few days ago, a splendid programme was held in Indore, the city famous for cleanliness. More than 2 lakh saplings were planted here in a single day during the programme ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’. You must also join this campaign of planting trees in the name of your mother and take a selfie and post it on social media.
–The PM said the day 15th August is not far away. And now another campaign has been added to the 15th of August, ‘Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan’. For the last few years, everyone’s fervour for the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan’ remains high in the entire country. Be it the poor… the rich… small households, big households, everyone feels proud waving the Tricolor.
–“There is also a craze of taking selfies with the Tricolor and posting them on social media. You must have noticed that when the Tricolor flutters atop each house of the colony or society, within no time the Tricolor starts appearing on other houses as well. That is, ‘Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan’ – has become a unique festival in upholding the glory of the Tricolour. Now, various kinds of innovations related to that are also taking place. As the 15th of August approaches, various kinds of products are seen for displaying the Tricolour in homes, offices, cars. Some people even distribute the ‘Tricolour’ to their friends and neighbours. This joy, this enthusiasm with the Tricolour connects us with each other.”
“Friends, like earlier, this year too you must upload your selfie with the Tricolour on ‘’ and I want to remind you of something more. Every year before the 15th of August, you send me a lot of your suggestions. You must send me your suggestions this year as well. You can also send your suggestions on MyGov or NaMo App. I will try to cover as many suggestions as possible in the 15th August address.”
–My dear countrymen, it was very nice to connect with you in this episode of ‘Mann Ki Baat’. We will meet again next time, with new achievements of the country, with new efforts of public participation. You must keep sending in your suggestions for ‘Mann Ki Baat’. Many festivals are also on their way in the near future. Best wishes to you for all the festivals. Enjoy the festivals with your family. Keep up the energy to do something new for the country. Thank you very much. Namaskar.
BJP National President & senior leaders listing to ‘Mann Ki Baat’
@Jagat Prakash Nadda, “Listened to the 112th edition of Hon’ble PM Shri @narendramodi ji’s ‘Mann Ki Baat’ program with the party’s senior leaders and @BJP4India Chief Ministers and Deputy Chief Ministers at BJP headquarters, New Delhi on July 28, 2024. Through the #MannKiBaat program, Prime Minister Modi ji brings attention to the success stories of individuals and different initiatives.
Campaigns like #HarGharTiranga and #EkPedMaaKeNaam exemplify his efforts to promote social cohesion and environmental awareness. Our government has also taken significant steps to preserve our rich cultural heritage, evident in the inclusion of the Moidams in the UNESCO World Heritage list and the unveiling of the tallest statue of the great Ahom warrior Lachit Borphukan. These stand as testaments to our dedicated efforts in preserving and celebrating our heritage”.
PM congratulates Nobel Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus on assumption of new responsibilities in Bangladesh
The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 08 August, 2024 congratulated Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus on the assumption of his responsibilities as the chief advisor to the newly-formed interim government of Bangladesh.
Shri Modi also wished a return to normalcy and safety of Hindus and other minority communities in the neighbouring country.
The Prime Minister posted on X: “My best wishes to Professor Muhammad Yunus on the assumption of his new responsibilities. We hope for an early return to normalcy, ensuring the safety and protection of Hindus and all other minority communities. India remains committed to working with Bangladesh to fulfill the shared aspirations of both our peoples for peace, security and development.”