The government today said three crores ten lakh 77 thousand 444 beneficiaries have received the second instalment under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi, PM-KISAN scheme till 5th of this month with a cost of over 6,215 crore rupees.
In a written reply in Lok Sabha, Agriculture and Farmer Welfare Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomar said around 7,121 crore rupees is already credited into the bank accounts of 3 crores 56 lakh three thousand 344 beneficiaries as the first installment.
Earlier under PM-Kisan, landholding farmer families having cultivable land up to two hectares were provided direct income support at the rate of six thousand rupees per year in three installments of two thousand each.
The Minister said the ambit of the scheme has been expanded to cover all farmers in the country irrespective of the size of their landholdings. He said with the expansion of the ambit of the scheme, the expected expenditure of the scheme for the financial year 2019-20 has been revised to over 87,217 crore rupees.
Shri Tomar said the government has also approved a pension scheme for all Small and Marginal Farmers in the country.
The scheme provides for payment of a minimum fixed pension of three thousand rupees per month to the eligible farmers on attaining the age of 60 years with minimal or no savings.