Bharatiya Janata Party National President Shri JP Nadda kickstarted the ‘Rashtriya Swasthya Swayamsevak Abhiyan’ from the BJP headquarters in New Delhi on July 28, 2021, to train health volunteers across the country. The tagline of this programme was– ‘Yatha Yathay Tushyat Tatha Santoshyet Tum’, which means that the person whom we serve and help, his happiness and wellbeing is our satisfaction. This line clearly reflects Bharatiya Janata Party’s commitment and dedication towards social service and public welfare. With these thoughts BJP workers have been running such a big ‘Sewa Hi Sangathan’ initiative under such challenging and tough conditions to help and serve the poor and needy people.
Addressing on the occasion Shri JP Nadda has fixed a target for the party that through the ‘Rashtriya Swasthya Swayamsevak Abhiyan’ we have to reach two lakh villages across the country. Following are the salient features of the ‘Abhiyan’:
• For this the Bharatiya Janata Party has set the target of training 4 lakh health volunteers across the country.
• So far over 1,03,872 health volunteers have registered for the programme.
• Under the training programme the Bharatiya Janata Party will train two health volunteers (one male and one female) in each booth who will take care of their respective booths for the Corona pandemic.
• They will be equipped with an oximeter, thermometer, antibody boosters and rapid antigen test kit.
• Apart from creating awareness about the Corona pandemic, they will also help in treatment and fight against the Coronavirus.
• By August 30, 2021 the Bharatiya Janata Party will complete the training programme at the state level, district level and mandal level.
• In the training programme the health volunteers are being told what will be the role and responsibilities of a health volunteer, what will be their work, how will they ensure Covid appropriate behaviour, how to boost immunity and how to help and assist common man during need and crisis.
• Apart from doing their awareness creation and basic work, a health volunteer will also help in basic testing, will see when a patient needs hospitalisation and help a patient getting admitted in hospital.