Commending the budget presented by Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley and his entire team, BJP National President Amit Shah said, “It is a budget aimed at all-round development. On the one hand it is pro-village and pro-farmers and on the other it also provides new possibilities for youths willing to strike out on their own. It has given relief to middle class and will also help realise the dream of the poor and lower middle of owning a house,” he said.
He also called the announcement to restrict cash donation to Rs 2,000 to a political party from one source historic, saying it will bring transparency and cleanliness in political funding and expressed hope that all parties will welcome it.
“Outlay of 10 lakh crore for agriculture credit, micro irrigation fund of 5000 crore, increase in PM Fasal Bima Yojana will all help the farmer. Increased allocation for MNREGA at 48,000 crore, from Rs 37,000 crore earlier, will help create assets in rural India.
“The Prime Minister’s and Finance Minister’s focus on providing social security, health care and affordable housing for the poor and underprivileged is laudable. Tax concession provided to middle class, who earn between 2.5 lakh-5 lakh will go a long way in improving their spending,” he said.