Under Namami Gange Programme, a total of 136 sewerage infrastructure projects have been sanctioned and 36 projects have been completed so far; remaining projects are under various stages of implementation.
The Government has launched Namami Gange Programme covering short term, medium term and long term activities. Under short term activities, certain entry level activities which cover development of ghats crematoria & river surface cleaning activities etc have been taken up. Under medium term activities, existing Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) and Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPs) are being upgraded and new STPs & ETPs are being established. Beside, rural sanitation has been taken up in the villages on the banks of river Ganga. The long term action plan involves restoration of wholesomeness of river Ganga and maintaining the ecological & geological integrity of river. The Central Government approved the Namami Gange Program in May, 2015 as a five year program till 2020. However, efforts are being made to achieve substantial progress much before the target date.
Against the estimated sewage generation of 2953 Million Litres per Day (MLD) from the towns along main stem of river Ganga, the sewage treatment capacity in the towns along Ganga has increased from 1305 MLD (2014) to 1822 MLD capacity. In addition to this, STP capacity of 3577 MLD is being created in Ganga basin.
This information was given by Union Minister of State for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Dr. Satya Pal Singh in a written reply in Rajya Sabhaon February 4.