Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi addressing the nation in his 75th Episode of ‘Mann Ki Baat’ on 28 March 2021, said that this month marked the commencement of ‘Amrit Mahotsav’ of the 75 years of Independence. PM Shri Modi added that in the struggle for freedom, our fighters had underwent innumerable hardships since they considered sacrifice for the sake of the country as their duty.
My dear countrymen, you see how big a pleasant coincidence it is that today I got an opportunity to express my 75th Mann ki Baat! This very month is the one that marks the commencement of ‘Amrit Mahotsav’ of the 75 years of Independence. ‘Amrit Mahotsav’ had begun from the day of Dandi Yatra and will continue till the 15th of August, 2023. Programmes in connection with Amrit Mahotsav are being held throughout the country consistently; people are sharing information and pictures of these programmes from a multitude of places.
• Friends, be it the struggle saga of a freedom fighter; be it the history of a place or any cultural story from the country, you can bring it to the fore during Amrit Mahotsav; you can become a means to connect the countrymen with it. You will see – by and by, Amrit Mahotsav will be filled up with similar inspiring drops of nectar…and then the elixir that will flow will inspire us till a hundred years of the Independence of India…it will elevate the country to newer heights, begetting a fervor to do something or the other for the country. In the struggle for freedom, our fighters underwent innumerable hardships since they considered sacrifice for the sake of the country as their duty. May the immortal saga of their sacrifice, ‘Tyaag’ and ‘Balidan’ continuously inspire us towards the path of duty.
• And as Bhagwan Krishna has said in the Gita, “Niyatam Kuru Karma Twam Karma Jyaayo Hyakarmanah| Along the same sentiment, may all of us fulfill our assigned duties faithfully. And the Amrit Mahotsav of our freedom implies that we make new resolves….and to realize those resolves, we persevere wholeheartedly with due diligence…and resolves should be such that are meant for welfare of society, for the good of the country, for a bright future for India…resolves should be such in which the self assumes one responsibility or the other…intertwined with one’s own duty. I do believe we possess this golden opportunity to embody, live the Gita.
• Friends, it is interesting… in the month of March itself, when we were celebrating women’s day, many women players secured records and medals in their name. India bagged the top position during the ISSF World Cup shooting organised at Delhi. India also topped the Gold Medals tally. This was possible because of the fabulous display by Indian women and men shooters. Meanwhile P V Sindhu ji has won the Silver Medal in the BWF Swiss Open Super 300 Tournament. Today, from education to entrepreneurship, armed forces to science and technology, the country’s daughters are making a distinct mark everywhere.
• I have talked of different aspects of tourism several times during ‘Man kiBaat’, but these light houses are unique in terms of tourism. Because of their grand structures light houses have always been centres of attraction for people. To promote tourism 71 light houses have been identified in India too. In all these light houses, depending on their capacities, museums, amphi-theatres, open air theatres, cafeterias, children’s parks, eco friendly cottages and landscaping will bebuilt.
• Friends, Honey Bee Farming do not lead to income solely from honey, but bee wax is also a very big source of income. There is demand for bee wax in everything…pharmaceutical, food, textile and cosmetic industries Our country currently imports bee wax, but, our farmers are now rapidly transforming this situation…that is, in a way contributing in the ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ campaign. Today the whole world is looking at Ayurveda and Natural Health Products. In such a situation, the demand for honey is increasing even more rapidly. I wish more and more farmers of our country to join bee farming along with their farming. This will lead to an increase in the income of the farmers too and will also sweeten their lives!
• World Sparrow Day was celebrated just a few days ago. Sparrow that is Goraiya, at places is also known aschakali, or it is also called chimni, orghanchirika. Today many homes inBenaras are joining this campaign. This has led to creating a wonderful natural environment in the houses. I would like that for nature, environment, animals, birdsor for whomsoever small or big efforts should be made by us.
• My dear countrymen, today in ‘Mann Ki Baat’ we talked about ‘Amrit Mahotsav’ and our duties towards the country. We also discussed other festivals and festivities. Meanwhile, another festival is arriving which reminds us of our constitutional rights and duties. That is 14 April – Birth anniversary of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar ji. This time in the ‘Amrit Mahotsav’, this occasion has become even more special. I am sure that we will make this birth anniversary of Babasaheb a memorable one by taking a resolve of our duties and thus paying tribute to him. With this very belief, wish you all the best for the festivals once again. You all be happy, be healthy, and rejoice. With this wish, I remind you ‘dawai bhi, kadaai bhi’!