Union Home and Cooperation Minister Shri Shri Amit Shah on 4 August inaugurated the 24×7 water supply project completed at a cost of about Rs 75 crore at Manimajra in the Union Territory of Chandigarh under the Smart City Mission. The Governor of Punjab and Administrator of Chandigarh, Shri Gulab Chand Kataria, the Rajya Sabha MP, Shri Satnam Singh Sandhu, the Union Home Secretary and the Director of the Intelligence Bureau were among the dignitaries present on the occasion.
Addressing the inaugural event, the Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah said more than one lakh people will be benefitted with this project and this settlement spread over 855 acres will now be able to get water round the clock through a new pipeline having total length of 22 km. He said that arrangements have been made to ensure 24-hour water availability by building two huge reservoirs. He also said that with the installation of smart meters, the cost of leakage will no longer be borne by the consumers, further water leakage houses will be immediately identified and a VFD pump has also been installed to ensure a good water pressure.
He said that water is life and if water is contaminated or not available in the required quantity, then people face difficulties and suffer from diseases. He said that from today filtered water will be provided to the people of the area through one of the most modern filtration plant, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Shri Amit Shah said that the resolve of the citizens of the country will take the country forward on the path of becoming a developed nation. He said that a child’s resolve not to leave food on his plate, or his resolve to touch feet of his parents everyday, or, a businessman’s resolve not to evade taxes, or people’s resolve to follow traffic rules strengthens the country and takes it forward. He said that one step taken by 130 crore people is equal to 130 crore steps forward taken by the country this is the miracle brought about by Modi ji.
Shri Amit Shah said that 130 crore resolute people are committed to make India a developed India and today in Chandigarh, we have taken another step in this direction.