The BJP manifesto for Tamil Nadu was launched by Union Ministers Shri Nitin Gadkari on 22 March, 2021. Among others, MoS Shri VK Singh, BJP State President Shri L Murugan and the members of election manifesto committee of the party; Shri H Raja, Shri Sasikala Pushpa, Shri K Annamalai, Shri VP Duraisamy and Shri M Nachiappan were present. The manifesto promised fifty lakh jobs, home delivery of ration, 6,000 annual support for fishermen and farmers and total prohibition of alcohol in the state if voted to power.
Speaking on the occasion Shri Nitin Gadkari said, “We are confident that the NDA will get the majority in Tamil Nadu. We will have a new government and Tamil Nadu will be developed as a progressive state”. Other promises in the manifesto include;
• NDA will make sure that Tamil Nadu will be the number one state for ease of doing business.
• Free two-wheeler driver’s licenses will be issued to women aged 18 to 23. They need not pay any fee to take the driving test and get the license.
• Students of classes 8 and 9 will be provided a ‘Tablet’ device for free.
• Door delivery of ration items through the Public Distribution System.
• Every district will get a government multispecialty hospital with facilities equivalent to private hospitals and free treatment will be provided.
• Widows’ pension will be increased to Rs 3,000.
• Fisher folks above the age of 60 will be given a pension of Rs 3,000 per month.
• Separate budget for agriculture.
• Twelve lakh acres of Panchami lands will be retrieved and distributed to those from the Scheduled Castes.
• The administration of Hindu temples will be handed over to a Board with religious leaders.
• River sand mining will be banned for five years to improve groundwater table and the flow of rivers. River sand import will be allowed in this period.
• Greater Chennai Corporation will be trifurcated.
• Legislative council will be set up to facilitate informed debates on topics by subject matter experts.
• Badugas will be added to the Scheduled Tribe category.
• All state highways will be converted into four-lane roads.
• Every district will have coaching centers for National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET), Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) and Common Law Admission Test (CLAT).
• Online skill Development University will be set up.
• A Circuit Bench of the Madras High Court will be established in Coimbatore.
• Law will be brought against forced religious conversions.
• Siddha Medicine University will be established in Palani.
• Thirukkural Mamalai Park will be established in Erode district.
Earlier, a day before the BJP also criticized the DMK of deceiving the people of Tamil Nadu had released a ‘charge sheet’ against the MK Stalin-led DMK party, listing out 100 reasons to reject the DMK-led combine in the April 06 assembly elections.
The BJP is contesting in 20 assembly seats as part of the AIADMK-led alliance in the state. It has also been allotted the Kanyakumari Lok Sabha seat where a by poll is being held.