Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi addressed the 103rd Episode of ‘Mann Ki Baat on July 30. He underlined the importance of ‘Saawan’ and highlighted the Mission Amrit Sarovar’s efforts at “water conservation” in the programme. “ We are publishing a brief highlight of the address for our esteemed readers :
• Our capabilities and resources play a big role in dealing with any disaster – but at the same time, our sensitivity and the spirit of hand-holding is equally important.
• This phase of rain is equally important for ‘tree plantation’ and ‘water conservation’. More than 60 thousand Amrit Sarovars built during the ‘Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ are increasingly radiating their glow.
• Many a time, when we hear words like Ecology, Flora, Fauna, Bio Diversity, some people think that these are specialized subjects; subjects related to experts. But it is not so. If we really love nature, we can do a lot even with our small efforts. Suresh Raghavan ji is a friend from Vadavalli in Tamil Nadu. Raghavan ji is fond of painting. You know, painting is a work related to art and canvas, but Raghavan ji decided that he would preserve the information about plants and animals through his paintings. He documents the information related to them by making paintings of varied Flora and Fauna. Till now he has made paintings of dozens of such birds, animals, orchids, which are on the verge of extinction. This example of serving nature through art is really amazing.
• My dear countrymen, the letters written by some mothers and sisters of Devbhoomi Uttarakhand to me are touchingly heart-warming. They have given many blessings to their son, their brother. They have written that – ‘They had never imagined that our erstwhile cultural heritage ‘Bhojpatra’ could become a means of their livelihood.
• The state government has also started a campaign to preserve the rare species of Bhojpatra. The areas which were once considered as the last point of the land are now being developed considering them as the first villages of the country. Along with preserving our tradition and culture, this effort is also becoming a means of economic progress.
• The changes that have been made in the Haj Policy in the last few years are being highly appreciated. Our Muslim mothers and sisters have written a lot to me about this. Now, more and more people are getting the chance to go for ‘Haj’.
• My dear countrymen, while talking about drugs and the young generation, I would also like to tell you about an inspiring journey from Madhya Pradesh. This is the Inspiring Journey of Mini Brazil.
• The journey of Bichharpur village to become Mini Brazil commenced two-and-a-half decades ago. During that time, Bicharpur village was infamous for illicit liquor,… it was in the grip of intoxication. Raees Ahmed, a former national player and coach, recognized the talent of these youngsters. Raees ji did not have many resources, but he started teaching football to the youth with full dedication. Within a few years, football became so popular that Bicharpur village itself was identified with football. Now a program called Football Kranti is also going on here. Under this program, youth are connected with this game and they are given training.
• In the midst of the ongoing reverberations of Amrit Mahotsav and the 15th of August round the corner, another great campaign is on the verge of being launched in the country. ‘Meri Mati Mera Desh’ campaign will be launched to honour our martyred braveheart men and women. Under this, many programs will be organized across the country in the memory of our immortal martyrs.