Bharatiya Janata Party National President Shri JP Nadda launched the ‘Lokkho Sonar Bangla’ initiative on 25 February, 2021 in Kolkata, West Bengal to collect public opinion for its election manifesto in the upcoming Bengal Assembly Election. BJP National General Secretary and State In-Charge Shri Kailash Vijayvargiya, State BJP President Shri Dilip Ghosh and others were also present on the occasion.
Under this campaign the BJP is asking people to write their demands for the next state government and there will be 30 thousand drop boxes in 294 constituencies of the state to collect the opinions.
The party will also take opinion on across social media platforms. The voters would also be able to let their mind known over phone calls.
Addressing on the occasion in Kolkata Shri JP Nadda said, “Through this drive we’ll welcome priceless opinions of the humble Bengali citizens. Our aim is to build a corruption free and developed Bengal”.
During his one-day visit to Kolkata, Shri Nadda has not just met the intellectuals and academics but he also visited jute mill workers area i.e. Ward No 14, Gauripur and joined at lunch at the residence of a jute mill worker’s house.
Noteworthy, the mismanagement of jute mills in the state and the poor living conditions of jute mill workers have turned into big poll issues this time in West Bengal. More than 3 lakh people are unemployed in the state’s jute mills. They have already approached Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for employment, better remuneration and other demands. In this scenario, by having lunch at the residence of a jute mill worker, Shri Nadda has sent out a message to the working class that BJP is serious about addressing the issues that they face.
Bharatiya Janata Party National President Shri JP Nadda also addressed representatives of the city’s intellectual classes at Science City, Kolkata on the same day and discussed with present condition of West Bengal with them. During his interaction with the intellectuals the BJP President said, “Traditionally West Bengal has been a hub of intellectual discourse and innovation. What Bengal thinks today, the rest of the country thinks tomorrow”. Shri JP Nadda has also visited the residence and museum of Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay and offered his tributes to him.