The three days National Executive meeting of the BJP National Scheduled Caste Morcha was held at Lalita Mahal Palace in Mysore, Karnataka on 6th-8th January, 2023. Karnataka Chief Minister Shri Basavaraj Bommai, Several MPs, MLAs, Ministers, party officer bearers, former presidents of the Morcha graced the occasion with their esteemed presence.
On 6th January an exhibition was inaugurated by the SC Morcha National President Shri Lal Singh Arya. After the inauguration of the exhibition, a meeting of national office-bearers, state in-charges, co-in-charges and state presidents was held. Shri Lal Singh Arya presented the outline of the meeting. He thanked all the office bearers for the Basti Sampark Abhiyan which was completed in 30 settlements of rural and urban Mysore. He thanked the state government led by Shri Basavaraj Bommai for bringing several measures for the empowerment of SCs like increasing the existing reservation for Scheduled Caste from 15 % to 17 % , construction of 100 new SC hostels for SC students , sanctioning Rs 20 crores for constructing National Memorials in 12 places of 7 districts of the state where Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Dr. B R Ambedkar visited during his life. Shri Lal Singh Arya in his address also elaborated upon various works undertaken by Shri Narendra Modi for the development of SC communities.
The National General Secretary of the Morcha Dr. Bhola Singh discussed in detail about the upcoming programs after which National Secretary Shri S Kumar gave vote of thanks.