Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah said that the ‘Howdy, Modi’ event in Houston was a testimony of New India’s power on the international platform under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Shri Amit Shah also said that the soaring popularity of PM Shri Modi was a recognition of the people of India.
Shri Amit Shah’s remarks on the ‘Howdy Modi’ event came just after PM Shri Narendra Modi and United States President Donald Trump ended their address to the Indian community in Houston, Texas.
In a series of tweets after the mega Houston event, Shri Amit Shah also thanked PM Shri Narendra Modi for “presenting a stronger India” which, he said, was every Indian’s dream.
“PM Modi’s popularity has soared across the globe. It is a recognition of the people of India. The grand #HowdyModi event is a testimony of #NewIndia’s power under the leadership of PM @narendramodi. I thank PM Modi for presenting a stronger India, a India of every Indian’s dream,” Shri Amit Shah tweeted.
Shri Shah further said that the ‘Howdy Modi’ event was “unprecedented” and has “left an indelible footprint of a stronger India on the world map”.
The Home Minister said, “A historic day in world politics! Leaders of the two most powerful democracies shared their ideas & dreams for a prosperous world together in a way that one has never seen before. #HowdyModi was unprecedented. It has left an indelible footprint of a stronger India on world map.”
“The message to the world is loud and clear that this #NewIndia will leave no stone unturned to keep our country safe and united. Thanks to PM @narendramodi ji’s leadership, entire world today stands firmly with India in its decisive fight against the menace of terrorism,” Shri Amit Shah said.