On March 23 Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and BJP National President Shri Amit Shah addressed the BJP’s parliamentary party meeting at party headquarters, 6A, Pt. Deendayal Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg in New Delhi. Addressing the meeting they asked the party MPs to expose the lies of Opposition parties who have been disrupting Parliament for last 15 days.
In the meeting Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi said “Use technology optimally and let people know about the reality. The message should reach the common people about the desperate opposition resorting to canards and lies against the government.” He added, Party leaders should try for instant sharing of information with people by using technology.” In the three-hour meeting ministers gave presentations on the development projects including the focus on 115 least developed districts of the country. Taking a swipe at Congress party he said that the party’s work culture should be reflected in all our headquarters from district level to national. We are not a party that runs out from someone’s home. He also said the party should not be confined merely to electoral politics but develop direct chord with the people.
“He also narrated anecdotes from the past, specifically about late leader Sundar Singh Bhandariji, who, Prime Minister Modi said, used to listen to the news on the radio, the only gadget available at that time and come up with ideas about how to take the party’s work forward. In the same way, Shri Modi said, BJP leaders and workers should use whatever latest technology is available to them, be it social media or otherwise to tell people the true state of things.
With the Lok Sabha polls due next year, BJP National President Shri Amit Shah asked party MPs to work to strengthen booth-level organisation in their constituencies, asserting that BJP’s ideology and Shri Modi’s leadership have been a key reason for its string of electoral successes.
“All MPs should reach their respective constituencies and tell people through all possible means about the unprecedented deadlock in the parliament,” he said. He also asked party MPs to reach out to the people to expose the lies of the opposition parties which have paralysed Parliament for three weeks over various issues.