Shri Narendra Modi won the most-exhaustive Lok Sabha election with a thumping majority in 2014, and even as his government is entering the final year of its five-year term, his popularity seems intact. A total of 57% Indians say that the Narendra Modi government has “either met or exceeded” their expectations in the last four years, a survey said.
A majority of Indians are particularly happy with Shri Narendra Modi’s effort in improving India’s image globally, handling of Pakistan, fighting terrorism, infrastructure development and reducing tax harassment, a survey report by LocalCircles said. Around 28% citizens said the government has exceeded their expectations, which is a dramatic improvement when compared to 17% last year and 18% in 2016.
Narendra Modi was sworn-in as the 15th Prime Minister of India on 26 May, 2014. During his tenure, Shri Modi gained significant popularity due to his oratory skills and ‘Make In India’ pitch, asking investors to do business in India. He has often been ranked among the most popular leaders of the world, with the latest being the Forbes list where PM Narendra Modi was ranked 9th most powerful person in the world.