BJP National President Shri Amit Shah was in Odisha on a two-day Pravas starting from 04 April, 2018 during which he took part in various events organised by the party. During his visit, Shri Shah addressed a public meeting at Bhawanipatna in Kalahandi district and a ‘Yuva Maha Samavesh’ in Balangir district of western Odisha. He laid the foundation stone of the party office in Balangir district and met with BJP’s MLAs, BJP’s state ‘vistaraks’, core-group district in-charges, district presidents, state Morcha General Secretaries along with other office bearers of the party in the state. Shri Amit Shah also visited villages, including Saintala and Degaon in Balangir district during his Pravas.
Blaming the Naveen Patnaik Government for backwardness in Odisha, BJP National President Shri Amit Shah on 04 April, 2018 called for dislodging the ruling dispensation in the next election.
Launching a scathing attack on the Chief Minister of Odisha for the poor development of the State despite abundant natural resources and generous Central funding, he said the State needs a Government which understands the language of its people which, he said, only the BJP can do and bring the desired change the State needs.
Addressing a huge gathering at Bhawanipatna, the district headquarters town of Kalahandi Shri Shah said, “From the huge turnout, I can sense that the BJP is going to form the next Government in Odisha.”“Braving scorching heat, people have gathered here because they want a change. The Chief Minister has got tired of governing and a change is needed in the State,” he said.
He said even after 18 years of its rule, at least 36 per cent households in the State do not have electricity and 50 lakh people live in kutcha houses. “There is no all-weather road connectivity to 12,442 villages, 7 per cent of primary schools have just one teacher, 66 per cent schools do not have required teachers and despite being rich in water resources, only 33 per cent of land has irrigation,” Shri Shah added.
The BJP President said despite the Centre providing funds for supplementary nutrition for 8.4 lakh children, the State Government has failed to utilize it. While the health services in rural areas are in shambles, the State has failed to tap the huge tourism potential. Noting that the 14th Finance Commission had allocated 2,11,510 crore to Odisha for various schemes, he said the BJD Government failed to use it judiciously. The State has been sanctioned 45,000 crore during the current financial year but still there is no development. Highlighting the Central schemes, Shri Shah said the NDA Government has launched Soubhagya Scheme under which all houses will be provided with power supply by 2021. The Centre has also set a target to replace all ‘Kutcha’ houses into ‘Pucca’ houses before 2022.
Trying to touch the right chord with people of Western Odisha where migration is a major issue, the BJP National President promised to stop migration of youth to other States in search of job if the BJP is voted to power. “We want to build Odisha where youth do not have to leave their homes for employment to other States. The BJP is committed to turn Odisha into a model State.
Shri Amit Shah said the Opposition parties are responsible for the loss of 10 lives during the April 02 Bharat Bandh called against alleged dilution of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act which saw widespread violence in north, central and western States. He asked, when the Centre had announced that it will file a review petition in the Supreme Court over amendment to SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, then why did the Congress and other Opposition parties called for Bharat Bandh.
He said a rumor is being spread through social media that the Centre was mooting to withdraw reservation policy. Shri Shah clarified that the NDA Government will neither end reservation nor will let anyone do it.
BJP National Jt. General Secretary (Organisation) Shri Soudan Singh, Union Tribal Affairs Minister Shri Jual Oram, Union Petroleum Minister Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, National BJP General Secretary and Odisha-in-charge Shri Arun Singh, Odisha BJP State President Shri Basant Kumar Panda and National Spokesperson Shri Sambit Patra also spoke on the occassion.
‘Yuba maha Samabesh’ in Balangir
“BJP will get bigger mandate in Odisha than Tripura”
Addressing a huge BJP ‘Yuba Maha Samabesh’ at Kosal Kala Mandap in Balangir on 05 April, 2018, BJP National President Shri Amit Shah said BJD has panicked over rapid rise of the BJP and come down to violence. “Altogether 14 BJP workers have been killed in the State in the last one year and those behind the murders allowed to go scot-free. The BJP will dig out those responsible even if they are in the hell,” he said.
Shri Shah said it is unfortunate that western Odisha has irrigation facility for 11 per cent of cultivable land and its people still drink fluoride laced water. Stating that BJP believes in “Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vikash”, he promised that regional imbalances would be removed if BJP is voted to power in the State.
Maintaining that the golden period of the BJP is yet to come and would come only after it wins Odisha and West Bengal, the BJP President said development can come when it trickles down to common people which the present BJD Government has failed to do.
On the schemes launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he talked about Skill India, Start Up India, Stand Up India and Mudra Yojana. These schemes have generated nine crore jobs while in Odisha 63 lakh youths have been provided 16,835 crore loan, he said. The BJP president also spoke about hike in MSP of paddy by 1.5 times though he did not elaborate on the base price on which the MSP would be fixed. He said the transformer at Bhubaneswar has burnt down and needs to be replaced to set the ball of development rolling.