Largest ever contingent of 8500 players from across the country would participate in the 4th Khelo India Youth Games. The Union Minister for Youth Affairs & Sports Shri Anurag Thakur said this during the launch of Logo, Anthem, Jersey and Mascot for the Khelo India Youth Games 2021 today in Indradhanush Auditorium, Panchkula. The minister said Haryana with just about 2% of the country’s population has given the country a major share of medals in most of the sports events. Haryana Chief Minister Shri Manohar Lal, Haryana Deputy Chief Minister Shri Dhushyant Chautala, Haryana Legislative Assembly speaker Shri Gyan Chand Gupta, Haryana Minister of Sports Shri Sandeep Singh, Former Minister of State for Jal Shakti, Government of India Shri Rattan Lal Kataria and Haryana Chief Secretary Shri Sanjeev Kaushal also graced the event.
Stressing for the preservation of traditional sports, Shri Thakur said that five traditional games namely Gatka, Kalaripayattu, Thang-Ta, Mallakhamba and Yogasana would be part of the upcoming Khelo India Youth Games 2021. He said that the Youth Games and the recently concluded University Games under Khelo India would definitely inspire youth to go for big targets in future. The Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports said that the Government of India is steadfast in its efforts for the athletes to excel.
Stating that the state is fully preparing for the event, Haryana Chief Minister Shri Manohar Lal thanked the Prime Minister Narendra Modi for giving opportunity to the state for hosting Khelo India Youth games 2021. The Chief Minister also said that the state is not just producing food grains for the country but also medals through their sportspersons. Sports are good for both physical and mental fitness, the Chief Minister added.
Haryana Deputy Chief Minister Shri Dhushyant Chautala, Haryana Minister of Sports Shri Sandeep Singh, Haryana Assembly Speaker Shri Gyan Chand Gupta and Former Minister of State for Jal Shakti, Shri Rattan Lal Kataria along other dignitaries were also present on the occasion.
‘Jaya’ the black buck and ‘Vijay’ the tiger are the mascots for Khelo India Youth Games. The name of the Mascot for Haryana for Khelo India Youth Games-21 is ‘Dhakad’. The 4th Khelo India Youth Games is going to be held from 4 June to 13 June in Haryana.