Bharatiya Janata Party’s National President Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda filed his nomination papers for Rajya Sabha seat in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Ahead of filing the nomination, Shri Nadda addressed the media and expressed gratitude for filing his Rajya Sabha nomination from Gujarat, underscoring its significance. He acknowledged the transformative leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and pledged unwavering commitment to Gujarat’s representation.
Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda expressed his gratitude for filing his nomination for the Rajya Sabha from Gujarat, considering it a momentous occasion in his political journey. Shri Nadda acknowledged the numerous opportunities he had to file nominations for different positions but emphasized the significance of this particular instance in Gujarat. Shri Nadda extended heartfelt thanks to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah and the Election Committee for the opportunity to represent Gujarat in the Rajya Sabha.
Shri Nadda credited Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for his substantial contribution to political transformation and cultural change in the country, especially in Gujarat. He highlighted the ongoing momentum of the party’s ‘Vikas Yatra’ and the ‘Vikasit Bharat Sankalp,’ expressing his commitment to contribute significantly as an Member of Parliament from Gujarat.
Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda, in his unwavering dedication as a committed party worker, pledged to take all essential steps to ensure the success of the ‘Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra.’ He emphasized the significance of the occasion, acknowledging the collective efforts of multiple generations that had led to the party’s current achievements. Shri Nadda highlighted that four generations of party karyakartas have made immense sacrifices to strengthen the party. One generation sacrificed its entire wealth and contested elections for the party, while another generation persisted in contesting elections despite inevitable defeat, solely to gauge voter percentage. However, under the leadership of respected Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the BJP now receives overwhelming public support, prompting questions if even a single seat is left unsecured.
Shri Nadda underscored the significance of the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony of Ram Lalla on January 22nd, emphasizing its profound importance. He expressed gratitude for witnessing this historic moment after 500 years of struggle, sacrifice, and perseverance by kings, saints, ascetics, and thousands of people. As a testament to the countless struggles and sacrifices endured, we witnessed the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony of Ram Lalla in his rightful place. He highlighted the country’s economic aspirations, transitioning from being the 11th largest economy to the 5th, with a further goal of reaching the 3rd position under the third term of the BJP government. He stated that, a proud moment has been witnessed when India’s influence was resonating worldwide, and individuals are being empowered. Shri Nadda highlighted the empowerment of women, youth, and farmers, alongside a notable decrease in poverty. He expressed joy over the fact that 25 crore people had risen above the poverty line.
Shri JP Nadda expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to work together, highlighting it as a source of pride for everyone. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, he got an opportunity to work for Gujarat and expressed his commitment to serving Gujarat diligently and inclusively. He emphasized his pledge to fulfill his responsibilities as a Member of Parliament faithfully, involving all as active participants. Furthermore, he underscored the ambitious goal of the NDA winning over 400 seats and BJP candidates securing more than 370 seats, aiming for a hat-trick victory by winning all 26 seats in Gujarat.