PM interacts with beneficiaries of various Government of India schemes in Lakshadweep

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The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has shared glimpses of his interaction with beneficiaries of various schemes of Government of India in Lakshadweep.

The Prime Minister posted on X:

“It was a delight to interact with beneficiaries of various GoI schemes in Lakshadweep. A group of women talked about how their SHG worked towards starting a restaurant, thus becoming self-reliant; an elderly person shared how Ayushman Bharat helped in treating a heart ailment, and a woman farmer’s life changed due to PM-KISAN. Others talked about free ration, benefits for Divyangs, PM-AWAS, Kisan Credit Cards, Ujjwala Yojana and more. It is indeed satisfying to see the fruits of development reach a cross section of people, even in the more remote areas.”