Ahead of the Lok Sabha Election 2024, PM Modi kickstarted the Bharatiya Janata Party poll campaign in Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut with a mega rally. Addressing the gathering, the PM said, “With this land of Meerut, I share a special bond. In 2014 and 2019… I began my election campaign from here. Now, the first rally of the 2024 elections is also happening in Meerut. The 2024 elections are not just about forming a government. The 2024 elections are about building a Viksit Bharat.”
PM Modi added, “The verdict of 2024 will make India the world’s third-largest economic power. When India was at the 11th position in the world, poverty surrounded the country from all sides. When India reached the 5th position, 25 crore citizens were lifted out of poverty. When India reaches the third position globally, poverty will be eradicated from the country.” Consequently, he highlighted the nationwide support for surpassing 400 seats in the upcoming elections with the slogan “4 June, 400 Paar.”
Outlining a roadmap for the upcoming 5 years, the PM remarked, “Our government has already begun preparations for the third term. We are charting a roadmap for the next 5 years. Rapid progress is being made in determining major decisions to be taken in the first 100 days. The momentum of development established over the past 10 years will now accelerate even further. In these 10 years, you have witnessed the trailer of development. Now, we must take the country much further ahead.”
PM Modi stated that in the past decade, several once-deemed-impossible tasks have been achieved. The construction of the grand Ram temple in Ayodhya, once considered impossible, has been completed. Thousands visit daily for darshan. He said, “… just like Kanha and Radha play Holi in Braj every year, this time even Ram Lalla enjoyed Holi in Ayodhya.”
Highlighting strides in women’s empowerment over the past decade, PM Modi asserted. “We have transformed millions of sisters and daughters into entrepreneurs for the first time in the country, opening doors for them in the military and other professions. Whether it’s the police or paramilitary forces, today the number of women has more than doubled.” Additionally, he mentioned the substantial increase in women joining Self-help groups, and talked about the Namo Drone Didi Scheme which is also set to change the fate of women in rural areas.
Taking potshots at the INDI Alliance, PM Modi said, “I am taking action against corruption, which has made some people uneasy. ‘I say eradicate corruption, they say save the corrupt.’ They think Modi will be afraid of them. But for me, ‘Mera Bharat, Mera Parivar Hai.’ I am taking every step to save my country from corrupt people. That’s why many big corrupt individuals are behind bars today. That’s why many big corrupt individuals have had to take bail.”
PM Modi emphasized his commitment to recovering the money lost by individuals. He asserted that regardless of the attacks against him, he won’t relent. “No matter how big the corrupt person is, there will be action, and there must be action. Whoever has looted the country will have to return it – this is Modi’s guarantee,” he said.
Addressing the large crowd of enthusiastic supporters, PM Modi spoke about how the Congress and INDI Alliance are continually undermining the integrity and unity of the country. He said, “Today, yet another anti-national act of the Congress has come to light. There is an island a few kilometers away from India’s coastline in Tamil Nadu – Katchatheevu. This island is of great strategic importance for security and has been an integral part of India. However, the Congress, decades ago, stated that this island is unnecessary, that nothing happens there… and while saying this, they handed over the island to Sri Lanka.”
“The nation continues to pay the price for this conduct of the Congress. Fishermen from India who accidentally stray towards this island are arrested. The Congress falls silent on its grave mistake. Parties like DMK also remain silent on this issue. Can such an INDI Alliance make decisions in the interest of the nation?” he added.
Launching attack on Congress and SP, PM Modi said, “They neither think in the interest of the country’s soldiers nor in the interest of its farmers. The INDI Alliance, which harbors animosity towards farmers, did not even give proper respect to Chaudhary Charan Singh Ji. Congress and SP will never be forgiven by the farmers and the people of this region.”
PM Modi underscored diversifying sugarcane cultivation beyond sugar and jaggery to create an energy belt nationwide. Ethanol from sugarcane will power cars, with initiatives already in progress. “Our focus remains on boosting farmers’ profits. Through PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, Uttar Pradesh farmers received substantial financial aid. Additionally, we’re providing urea to farmers at a fraction of the cost elsewhere, less than 300 rupees per bag,” he added.
Bringing attention to the PM Surya Ghar – Muft Bijli Yojana, the PM stressed the NDA government’s commitment to save money, highlighting the success of providing energy-efficient LED bulbs, saving crores in electricity bills. The PM iterated, “He introduced PM Surya Ghar – Muft Bijli Yojana, offering free electricity up to 300 units and financial assistance of up to Rs 75,000 for rooftop solar plants. Over a crore people have already enrolled in this scheme, initiated a few weeks ago, with plans to accelerate its implementation in the third term.”
In his concluding remarks, PM Modi urged everyone to vote on April 19th and April 26th, emphasizing its importance for a developed India and the nation’s welfare. PM Modi’s resounding call echoes, “For a developed India… 400 Paar! For women’s empowerment… 400 Paar! For the prosperity of farmers… 400 Paar! For sending corrupt individuals to jail… 400 Paar!”