The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi visited the Bandipur and Mudumalai Tiger Reserves in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu today. He also visited the Theppakadu Elephant camp in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve where he interacted with mahouts and kavadis and also fed the elephants. The Prime Minister also interacted with elephant keepers featured in the Oscar-winning documentary, The Elephant Whisperers.
In a series of tweets, the Prime Minister said:
“Spent the morning at the scenic Bandipur Tiger Reserve and got a glimpse of India’s wildlife, natural beauty and diversity.”
“Some more glimpses from the Bandipur Tiger Reserve.”
“With the majestic elephants at the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve.”
“What a delight to meet the wonderful Bomman and Belli, along with Bommi and Raghu.”
The Prime Minister’s Office tweeted:
“PM Narendra Modi is on the way to the Bandipur and Mudumalai Tiger Reserves.”