Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 4 December participated in the All Party Meeting via video con-ferencing to discuss the Covid-19 vaccination strategy in India. The meeting was also attended by the Union Defence Minister, Union Home Minister, Union Finance Minister, Union Minister for Rural De-velopment, Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment and Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs. Prime Minister said that the government is developing a comprehensive vaccination strategy. He emphasised that the world is looking towards India for the development of a safe and affordable vaccine.
Prime Minister shared his experience of visiting the vaccine manufacturing facilities in Ahmedabad, Pune, and Hyderabad, informing that about eight potential vaccines, currently in different stages of trial, will be manufactured in India, that includes the three indigenous vaccines.
Prime Minister said that it is expected that the vaccine will be available in the coming few weeks. The vaccination campaign will kickstart in India as soon as the vaccine is approved by the scientists. The Central government is working in close coordination with the State governments to identify the priori-ty groups for vaccination that will include Health Workers, Frontline workers and high-risk individuals viz the aged population cohort and people with comorbidities. In an effort to administer the vaccine in an efficient, smooth & transparent manner, database of healthcare and frontline workers, augmenta-tion of cold chains and procurement of syringes and needles are in advanced stages of preparation.
Underlining India’s vaccine distribution expertise, capacity and presence of an experienced and vast network for vaccination, the Prime Minister said that this will help us in streamlining Covid vaccination. Collaboration with State Governments will be established for additional cold chain equipment and other such logistical requirements.