Bharatiya Janata Party, for the first time after 38 years of its establishment, shifted to its own new building at 6-A, Deendayal Upadhyay Marg in New Delhi on 18 February, 2018 after Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated it in the presence of party National President Shri Amit Shah, other senior party leaders and Karyakartas. With 1.70 lakh square feet, the new office is bigger than compared to the office of any other political party in the world.
With the launch of new office, senior BJP leaders recalled the party’s political and historical journey made during the leadership of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee and afterwards under the leadership of Shri LK Advani and others in the old BJP headquarters at 11 Ashoka road”.
The new BJP premise is well equipped with modern facilities. A multi-storey building with three blocks, 70 rooms and is also equipped with digital libraries.
BJP is also the first major national party to shift its office outside Lutyens’ Bungalow Zone, following a Supreme Court directive that party offices should be relocated from there.
The structure of the building is environment-friendly and its interior is ‘traditional but grand’. Hollow bricks have been used to keep the interiors cool and solar panels will take care of most of the power requirements. Large windows have been built so that there is plenty of light. Rainwater harvesting and bio-toilets have been arranged in the building.
Wi-Fi connectivity will be there in the entire building complex. The new headquarters of the party will be connected to all the state headquarters and district headquarters. Many canteens have also been provided to cater to party office bearers and visitors.
There are three gardens where saplings brought from all over country have been planted. An underground parking has been built for about 200 cars in the building.
Since the Prime Minister will come here often, the security system will also be kept at the highest level, and a large national flag will always be flying on a very high pillar.
‘Ours is a party committed to Rashtra Bhakti’
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi after inaugurating the new BJP National headquarters in New Delhi said, “Ours is a party committed to Rashtra Bhakti. In thought, in action and in implementation, the BJP’s core is truly democratic.”
Remembering the founding leaders like Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookerjee and Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay, Shri Modi remarked, “Generations of Karyakartas have given their life for the party.”
He recalled how Jan Sangh and BJP leaders have always been at the forefront of all leading mass movements after Independence.
Recalling contributions of Former Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, he said that the NDA government under Atal Ji ignited a ray of hope among Indians.
Shri Modi also thanked Shri Amit Shah and his entire team that worked hard to complete the work on the BJP Head Quarters within the desired time frame.
‘BJP National office bigger than any other political party in the world’
Addressing the Karyakartas on that occasion BJP National President Shri Amit Shah said the BJP is on the course of having its own office in almost every district of the country in a year and noted that the party, at its national executive meeting in 2015, had decided to own an office in 635 of 694 districts in the country.
Shri Shah added that the new headquarters is fitted with the latest communication technologies and hosts a spacious social media office. “The Prime minister can address a State executive meeting sitting here in the office”.
“I came to know that with an area of over 1.70 lakh sq ft the BJP National office is bigger than that of any other political party in the world,” he added.
The dream of workers of Jana Sangh, the BJP’s forerunner, and the BJP that they have an office of their own has been realized today, he said.