Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan on 24 April, 2018, at a public meeting in Mandla in Madhya Pradesh. He unveiled a Road Map for overall development of tribals during the next five years.
He laid the foundation stone of an LPG bottling plant of Indian Oil Corporation at Maneri, Mandla District. He also launched a Local Government Directory.
The Prime Minister felicitated the Sarpanches of villages which have achieved 100 percent smokeless kitchens, 100 percent vaccination under Mission Indradhanush, and 100 percent electrification under Saubhagya Scheme.
He urged people to focus on the education of their children, and added that this is essential for the child’s future.
The Prime Minister underscored the efforts towards self-reliance in the agriculture sector. He urged the Panchayat representatives to pay attention to water conservation, and to ensure that every drop of water is conserved.
Shri Narendra Modi spoke of the importance of Jan Dhan Yojana for financial inclusion; Van Dhan Yojana for empowering tribal communities; and Gobar-Dhan Yojana for making farmers more self reliant, besides converting waste into energy.
He said that a transformation of villages would ensure a transformation of India. The Prime Minister also said that the recent steps taken by the Union Government will be beneficial in furthering the safety of women.