‘Revolutionary steps taken by PM for empowerment of women in the country’

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BJP National President Shri JP Nadda inaugurated the BJP National Mahila Morcha training program ‘Kamal Mitra’ at party Headquarters in Delhi on 19 May, 2023. Under the leadership of Mahila Morcha National President Smt. Vannathi Srinivasan the Morcha has taken up this initiative to train Mahila Morcha Karyakartas on 15 flagship women centric schemes implemented by Modi government. The target of this training program is to prepare 1 lakh ‘Kamal Mitra’ trained sisters and 200 office bearers of Mahila Morcha in each Lok Sabha constituency of the country. Through online mediums sisters across the country will be trained till December this year. After completing the training, all the workers will have to appear for a test and only after passing it, they will get a ‘Kamal Mitra’ certificate.

Addressing the gathering, the BJP National President Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda said ‘Kamal Mitra’ is a very innovative programme being organised by the BJP National Mahila Morcha. It is a woman -centric training programme that focuses on the 15 flagship schemes of the Modi Government. The BJP Mahila Morcha will impart training and through ‘ Kamal Mitra ‘ they will work towards empowerment of our women. I welcome it and congratulate the BJP Mahila Morcha for this wonderful and important initiative.

The BJP Mahila Morcha has set the target of making 1 lakh ‘Kamal Mitra’ across the country which will inform beneficiaries of 15 women centric schemes and programmes of the Narendra Modi Government and add more beneficiaries with these programmes so that more people can get benefits of the schemes launched by our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is focusing on the last mile delivery and as a result women standing at the bottom of the pyramid, those belonging to the poorest of the poor sections of our society are now getting benefits of the government schemes.

Initiatives for Women’s welfare

-Number of schemes and programmes started by the Narendra Modi Government in the past nine years have surpassed all the initiatives of women empowerment put together which were started in the past 70 years post-Independence. This is the kind of dedication and commitment of the Prime Minister towards women empowerment.

-Under the Jal Jeevan Mission, piped water connections have been provided to over 12 crore houses across the country.

-Similarly, over 9.5 crore women have been given free cooking gas cylinders, while over 11 crore ‘Ijjat Ghars’ have been constructed in the past nine years.

-Electricity connections have reached over 2.60 crore households across the country through the ‘Soubhagya Yojna’.

-Similarly, under the ‘Jan Dhan Yojana’ over 55 percent of the scheme’s beneficiaries are our women.

-While the share of women beneficiaries under the ‘Pradhanmantri Awas Yojna’ is over 58 per cent who have got ownership rights of the houses built under the highly successful scheme.

-It is under the Narendra Modi Government that for the first time that women have started getting permanent commission in our defence forces. Similarly, women have also started getting combat training in our armed forces. Women have also started getting admission in the prestigious National Defence Academy.

-These are some of the revolutionary steps taken by PM Shri Narendra Modi for empowerment of women in the country.