Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi participated in the celebrations of the 400th Parkash Purab of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji at Red Fort in New Delhi on April 21. The Prime Minister offered prayers to Shri Guru Teg Bahadur ji. The Prime Minister sat in prayer when 400 Ragis offered shabad/kirtan. Shri Modi was honoured by the Sikh leadership on the occasion. Shri Modi also released a commemorative coin and postage stamp on the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion, PM Shri Modi said that by the grace of the Gurus the country is going ahead as per the teachings of the revered Gurus. The Prime Minister bowed at the feet of the Gurus. The Prime Minister underlined the historical significance of Red Fort as it witnessed the martyrdom of Guru Teg Bahadur Ji and has been a reflection of the history and aspiration of the nation. In this backdrop today’s programme at this historical venue assumes great significance, he said.
Shri Modi emphasized that India’s freedom from hundreds of year of slavery and India’s independence can’t be separated from its spiritual and cultural journey. That is why, the country is celebrating Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav and 400th Parkash Purab of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji together with identical resolve. “Our Gurus always took the responsibility of society and culture along with knowledge and spirituality. They made strength a medium of service”, he added.
The Prime Minister said “This land of India is not just a country but it is our great heritage and a great tradition. It has been nourished by our sages, Gurus with hundreds of thousands of years of tapsaya and enrichment of its thoughts.”
Shri Modi said that nearby Gurudwara Sheeshganj Sahib, which is symbol of Guru Teg Bahadur Ji’s immortal sacrifice, reminds us about the enormity of Guru Teg Bahadur’s sacrifice. The Prime Minister recalled the religious fanaticism and the extreme atrocities of those who resorted to violence in the name of religion in that period.
“At that time, a great hope for India to save its identity emerged in the form of Guru Tegh Bahadur ji. In front of Aurangzeb’s tyrannical thinking Guru Tegh Bahadur ji, stood as ‘Hind di Chadar’, like a rock.”, the Prime Minister said. The sacrifice of Guru Tegh Bahadur ji has inspired many generations of India to live and die to protect the dignity of their culture and for its honor and respect. Big powers have disappeared, big storms have calmed down, but India still stands immortal, moving forward, he added.
Shri Modi stressed, once again the world is looking towards India with hope and expectation. “We feel blessings of Guru Tegh Bahadur ji everywhere in the aura of New India”, he said.