BJP National President Shri Amit Shah launched a scathing attack on the Congress and termed the Siddaramaiah-government the “most corrupt”. Addressing a huge rally to mark the valedictory of ‘Mushti Dhanya Sangraha Abhiyana’ at Abbigeri village in Gadag district on 12 April, 2018, he said more than 3,500 farmers have committed suicide in the last five years in the state. But Siddaramaiah has done nothing to solve the agrarian crisis.
Under the Congress regime, development works have came to a halt and corruption has reached new heights, he said. He called upon voters to weed out the inefficient government and vote for the BJP for better days. Terming Siddaramaiah a “duplicate socialist”, he raised the issue of his Hublot watch. “If a chief minister wears a wristwatch worth 40 lakh, then what kind of socialist he is and what kind of social justice he will do,” he asked.
Visits legendry poet Bendre’s house
Shri Amit Shah visited Da Ra Bendre Bhavan and paid tributes to the legendry poet by garlanding his photo. He also visited the house where Bendre lived. Later, he visited Murughamath and interacted with Mallikarjun Swamiji. The seer submitted a memorandum to Shri Amit Shah seeking support for a separate religion tag for Lingayats.