Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi addressed the people of the country in the 7th Episode of ‘Mann Ki Baat 2.0’ on December 29,2019. While addressing the people he said that youth of India would take the country to new heights in the next decade. Here, We are publishing highlights of the ‘Mann Ki Baat’ for our esteemed reders :
All of us experience that this generation is extremely talented. It thrives on the dream to do something new, something different. It has its own set of opinions. And the best part is; especially in the case of India; according to me, they appreciate the system. Not just that, they prefer to follow the system. And in the event of the system not responding properly, they get restless and even courageously question the system itself! I consider this attribute as a virtue. One can even say with certitude here, that the country’s youth detests anarchy of any sort. They despise any element of lack of governance and instability; abhorring any shades of nepotism, casteism, favouritism or gender discrimination. There are times when we see them at an airport or a cinema theatre; if someone tries to break a queue, the first to react vociferously are these young people.
• Swami Vivekanand ji had observed, “My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation; out of them will come my workers”. Referring to the youth, he had remarked, “The value of youth can neither be ascertained, nor described!” Youth is the most valuable phase, of one’s life. Your life & future entirely depends on the way your utilized your youth. According to Vivekanand ji, young people are the one’s full of energy and dynamism, possessing the power to usher in change. I am of the firm belief that for India, this decade will be, not only about development & progress of the youth; it will also prove to be about the country’s progress, harnessing their collective might. This generation will play a major role in modernizing India; I feel it beyond any doubt. On the birth anniversary of Vivekanand on the 12th of January, on the occasion of National Youth Day, every young person should give a thought to this responsibility, taking on resolve or the other for this decade.
• My dear countrymen, all of us study in myriad colleges, universities & schools. But after completing studies, Alumni Meets are joyous occasions. At any Alumni Meet, members come together, sharing youthful memories, going back 10, 20 or even 25 years. At times, such meets turn out to be a special attraction that gets noticed. And it is also important for it to catch the attention of our countrymen. Actually, an alumni meet is an occasion for old friends to come together, refresh memories; these are happy moments indeed. Alongside, if this union comprises a shared purpose, a resolve, an emotional connect, it lends additional hues to the event. You must have seen alumni groups at times, contributing something or the other to their schools. Some arrange for systems for computerization, some organize a better library, others go for revamping drinking water facilities or new rooms. Some have gone to the extent of facilitating sports complexes.
• Friends, Mahatma Gandhi viewed this spirit of Swadeshi as a lamp illuminating the lives of millions as well as bringing prosperity in the lives of the poorest of the poor. A hundred years ago, Gandhiji started a huge public movement to promote Indian products as one of its objectives. This was the path shown by Gandhi ji towards self reliance. The India that we breathe freely in was liberated by millions of worthy sons and daughters who underwent numerous tortures and hardships; many even sacrificing their lives. We attained freedom owing to sacrifice and penance of innumerable people; a freedom that we are fully enjoying. We hardly know the names of those countless beings who made the supreme sacrifice for the country, who went through untold hardships for Her. Of some we know; others will always stay anonymous. They all made sacrifices, firmly carrying that dream in their hearts….that of a free India…for the sake of a prosperous, flourishing and free India.
• It is very important for all of us, that the citizens of our country become self-reliant and live their lives with dignity. I would like to discuss one such initiative that has caught my attention and that is the ‘Himayat Programme’of Jammu- Kashmir and Ladakh. The ‘Himayat Programme’ is actually associated with skill development and employment. In this programme, teenagers and youth from 15 to 35 years of age, those denizens of Jammu and Kashmir whose studies, for some reason, could not be completed, who had to leave school and college midstream are associated.
• On the 26th of this month, we witnessed the last solar eclipse of this decade. Possibly, this solar eclipse prompted Ripun to write a very interesting comment on the MyGov portal. He writes, “Hello sir. My name is Ripun…I belong to the North-East, and am currently working in south India. I would like to share something with you. I remember that due to the clear skies in our region, we used to gaze at the stars in the sky for hours together. I used to enjoy star-gazing. Now I am a professional, and because of my daily routine, I am unable to find time for such activities…can you discuss this topic in your show. Particularly, on how to popularise astronomy among the youth.
• On that day, I had the opportunity to talk to some experts in this field…and they told me, that this is caused due to the fact that the moon is located far away from the earth and hence, it is unable to completely cover the sun. Hence, a ring-like shape is formed. This solar eclipse is an annular solar eclipse, also referred to as ‘Valay Grahan’ or ‘Kundal Grahan’. The eclipse reminds us that that we are travelling in space while residing on the earth. Sun, moon and other planets and celestial bodies are orbiting in space. Due to the shadow of the moon, we get to see the various forms of solar eclipse. Friends, India has an ancient and glorious history of astronomy. Our connection with the twinkling stars in the sky is as old as our civilisation. Many of you might be aware that at various places in India, there are magnificent observatories (Jantar Mantars) – which are worth seeing. And these observatories have a deep bond with astronomy. Who doesn’t know about the prodigious talent of the great Aryabhatta.During his career, he has expounded in great detail about the solar eclipse, as well as the lunar eclipse. And he has explained it both from a philosophical as well as a mathematical standpoint.
• India is quite advanced in the field of astronomy, and we have taken path-breaking initiatives in this field. We have a giant meter-wave telescope near Pune. Not just that, in Kodaikkaanal, Udagamandala, Guru Shikhar and Hanle Ladakh as well, powerful telescopes are located. In 2016, the then Prime Minister of Belgium and I, had inaugurated the 3.6 metre Devasthal optical telescope in Nainital. This is known as Asia’s largest telescope. ISRO has an astronomical satellite called ASTROSAT. ISRO is planning to launch a satellite called Aditya, to study the sun. Whether it be our ancient knowledge in astronomy, or modern achievements in this field, we should strive to understand them and feel proud of them.
• We consider our Parliament as the temple of our democracy. Today, I wish to proudly mention, that the parliamentarians that you have elected have broken all the records of the last 60 years. In the last 6 months, both the sessions of the 17th Lok Sabha have been very productive. Lok sabha’s productivity stands at 114%, while that of Rajya Sabha is 94%. And prior to that in the budget session, it had a productivity of 135%. Often, Parliament functioned till late at night. I am mentioning this because all Parliamentarians deserve to be congratulated and complimented for this. The Parliamentarians that you elected, have broken all the records of the last 60 years. So much accomplishment, in itself shows the strength of Indian democracy and the faith in democracy. I wish to congratulate all the Presiding officers, all political parties and all members of parliament for their active role in this regard.