Railway Minister Shri Piyush Goyal today said, as many as 1,253 railway stations have so far been identified for upgradation under the ‘Adarsh’ station scheme.
Speaking during the Question Hour in Lok Sabha, the Railway Minister said, during 2018-19, additionally, 68 stations have been substantially upgraded through zonal railways.
The minister said, against these, 1,103 stations have already been developed and remaining 150 are targeted to be developed by 2019-20.
He said, various amenities like improvement of platform surface, toilet facilities, provision of foot over bridges, provision of lifts and escalators and others have been provided under the scheme.
Replying to a question on whether the government has any proposal to revamp all railway stations of aspirational districts in the near future Shri Goyal said, as many as 87 of the 115 aspirational districts have been connected with the rail network.
The Modi government in its first term had launched the ‘Transformation of Aspirational Districts’ programme aiming to quickly and effectively carry out development projects in these backward districts.