Under ambitious Saubhagya Yojana, the Narendra Modi government has now achieved 100% household electrification in 14 states. This year, in April, the NDA government got each village in India electrified. The government had set the target of 100% household electrification by March 2019. But the power ministry reiterated on several occasions that it will achieve the aim by the end of this year.
According to Saubhagya Yojana real-time dashboard, 20,77,57,408 households have been electrified, while 95,77,641 are yet to be electrified. With 1, 50,57,882 households, West Bengal has topped the list highest house electrification. So far, 14 states have achieved 100% household electrification; here’s the list:
–West Bengal: 1,50,57,882 households
–Bihar: 1,39,73,122 households
–Madhya Pradesh: 1,26,21,007 households
–Andhra Pradesh: 1,14,25,248 households
–Gujarat: 1,14,14,532 households
–Tamil Nadu: 1,02,85,848 households
–Kerala: 98,13,032 households
–Telangana: 65,13,375 households
–Punjab: 36,89,970 households
–Jammu & Kashmir: 24,39,547 households
–Tripura: 7,88,783 households
–Mizoram: 2,41,682 households
–Goa: 1,28,208 households
–Puducherry: 95,616 households
According to the government, each day 1 lakh households are getting electrified. If the government accelerates the process from the current 1.1 lakh to 1.9 lakh households a day, the December-end deadline can be achieved.