After BJP’s emphatic victory in the civic polls in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan BJP National President Shri Amit Shah on 15 December, 2016 appointed Member of Parliament and BJP National Secretary Smt. Poonam Mahajan as the National President of Bhartiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM). Smt. Poonam Mahajan, daughter of former BJP leader Shri Pramod Mahajan, succeeded Shri Anurag Thakur, MP as the President of party’s Yuva Morcha, who had the position for last two terms.
After Shri Pramod Mahajan’s murder in 2006, Smt. Mahajan joined the BJP, with the encouragement of her uncle late Shri Gopinath Munde. She is currently representing the Mumbai North Central as Member of Parliament and a National Secretary of the BJP. In 2014, she contested the general election from Mumbai North Central and defeated two-time MP Priya Dutt of the Congress by a huge margin.
Along with the Yuva Morcha, the BJP National President Shri Amit Shah also appointed Presidents of the party’s SC Morcha, ST Morcha, Kisan Morcha and OBC Morcha.
Shri Vinod Kumar Sonkar, a Lok Sabha member from Kaushambi, Uttar Pradesh has been appointed as the National President of BJP S.C Morcha.
Shri Ramvichar Netam, a Rajya Sabha member from Chhattisgarh has been appointed as the National President of BJP S.T Morcha.
Likewise, Shri Virendra Singh Mast, a Member of Parliament from Bhadohi, Uttar Pradesh has been appointed by Shri Amit Shah as the National President of BJP National Kisan Morcha and former MP Shri Dara Singh Chauhan from Uttar Pradesh was named as new National President of BJP OBC Morcha respectively. (FOC)