Shri Amit Shah on 21st November during his visit to Tamil Nadu received rousing welcome in Chennai. Arches decorated with flowers and fruits were erected at the Chennai airport premises to welcome Shri Amit Shah. Besides, many karyakartas from the BJP and AIADMK thronged the roadsides, waving party flags and beating drums. Teams of dancers of traditional and folk also performed exhibiting the cultural glory of the state. Simply moved by the grand reception accorded by the enthusiastic party cadres, Shri Amit Shah stopped his car and got down from the vehicle, setting aside the security protocol.
Walking for over 400 meters, he conducted a brief road show, waving his hand to the waiting cadres much to their delight and winning their hearts. BJP State President Shri Murugan also accompanied him with bare foot, as he came amidst his ongoing Vel Yatra..
Participating in a Government function along with the CM of Tamil Nadu, Shri Edappadi Palanisamy and Deputy CM Shri Panneerselvam, he inaugurated and laid foundation stones to projects worth around Rs. 67,500 crores.
A reservoir linking two tanks at Kannakottai and Thervoy Kandigai in Thiruvallur district to meet the drinking water requirements of the people of Chennai was inaugurated. Besides, he also inaugurated Phase II of the Metro Rail covering 2 corridors of about 120 kms, connecting Madhavaram and Light House, Sholinganallur and Siruseri.
Shri Amit Shah also laid the foundation for the Elevated Highway project along the Avinashi road in Coimbatore, Nanjai Pugalur Barrage across Kaveri river in Karur, IOC’s Petroleum, Oil and Lubricant terminal at Vallur in Thiruvallur Lube plant at Amullaivoyal in North Chennai, expansion of the Chennai Trade Centre at Nandambakkam and establishment of a new boat yard at Kamarajar Port, Ennore.
Speaking at the function, Shri Amit Shah lauded the TN Government for pioneering in many fields including Covid-control. He was elated that TN secured the first place in India for its water management schemes. Assuring that the Central Government will stand by the State Government in all its development projects, Shri Amit Shah, signalled not only better alliance between the Governments, but also cemented an alliance between the AIADMK and BJP.
Despite the function being an official one, both the CM and the Deputy CM announced that the alliance of AIADMK with BJP will continue for the Assembly elections.
Later, listing the Welfare Schemes and the benefits provided by the Modi Government to the people of Tamil Nadu, including the establishment of the Defence Corridor, Shri Shah, sharply asked the Opposition Parties as to what they had done during their 10 years of Coalition Government at the Centre. He also challenged the Congress-DMK combine for a direct debate on the issue.
Shri Amit Shah also addressed the office-bearers and held discussions with the Core Committee on the strategies for the forthcoming Assembly Elections in Tamil Nadu.
It was a packed programme for Shri Amit Shah from 2.30 pm of the first day to 1.30 am of the next day, yet he was tireless and no doubt, one of the speakers at the function praised him for his dynamism.
The visit of Shri Amit Shah and the alliance announcement remained the talk of the State among the media for the next two days.