India added nearly 2,247 MW of solar capacity during July-September period, registering a 15.40 per cent growth as compared to 1,947 MW added in Q2 of 2017, a recent survey revealed. According to the survey by Mercom Capital, with the addition of 2,247 MW, the cumulative installed capacity between January-September 2017 stands at 7,149 MW.
“With over 7,149 MW, solar is now the leading new energy source in India, accounting for 39 per cent of total new power capacity additions in the first nine months of 2017,” the report said. It further said, in the third quarter, large-scale solar projects accounted for 1,982 MW and made up 88 per cent of installations, while rooftop installations totaled 265 MW and accounted for the remaining 12 per cent.
The report forecasts that total solar installations in India will range from 9,500 MW to 10,000 MW in the full calendar year 2017 and around 7,000 MW in 2018.