BJP National President Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda, addressed the fourth convocation of the prestigious Pratap University in Rajasthan through video conferencing. On this occasion, degrees were digitally awarded to more than 800 students by the university. The program was attended by the Chancellor of Pratap University, Shri Shailendra Bhadoria, Vice-Chancellor Shri Abhay Kumar, University Trustee Mrs. Surabhi Bhadauria, University Faculty Members, students and eminent personalities from the education sector.
Shri JP Nadda said that it is true that in youth we believe most on ourselves i.e. ‘I’ but ‘I’ cannot do much alone. ‘I’ is successful only when he recognizes the power of ‘we’. You have completed your university education, you have got a degree today, you have contributed to it – it is right but it is not only your contribution alone but your parents, gurus, friends, university employees and people around you have significant contribution in it. And, since all the people around you contribute to your educational success, your education will be meaningful and fruitful only if your education is useful in uplifting their life. Therefore, you should move forward in life by taking such a resolution that your education can be useful for public welfare, development of society and the country. You will always be indebted to your mother-father and guru, so do not forget them in your life.
While discussing the education system, Shri Nadda said that education is not a rote thing, but it is based on the concept and application. He said that India has been a world leader for centuries in education sector, we have illuminated the world with the light of knowledge. Nalanda and Takshila are the great examples of this. Here students from abroad used to come for education, history has been witness this.
Hon’ble National President said that the new National Education Policy 2020 is actually the first education policy of independent India which is based on Indian philosophy and culture. After considering thousands of suggestions, this education policy has been drafted. Highlighting the vision of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay about education, he said that Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay also advocated education policy based on Indian philosophy and Indian culture. The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has implemented the National Education Policy 2020 with this vision.
Shri Nadda said that the new National Education Policy has laid the foundation of Affordability, Accessibility and Flexibility in education sector, and to ensure that quality education is available for everyone. This education policy emphasizes practicality and concept. Also, the teaching medium is now offered in the respected mother tongue till the fifth grade so that the students’ base can be strengthened. In the new education policy, ‘what to think’ has been replaced by ‘how to think’.
Saluting the land of Maharana Pratap, Rajasthan, the BJP President said that whenever we remembered Maharana Pratap, we feel a new energy within us. Giving the students the mantra to move forward, he said that you should move forward with confidence and full strength, the world is waiting for you. You have the strength to move forward, you will definitely get success.