The BJP Karyakartas and common people celebrated PM Shri Narendra Modi’s Birthday as ‘Sewa Diwas’ across the country. Programmes were organised in various states on 17 September, 2018. BJP Delhi Pradesh also celebrated the Birthday of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi as Sewa Diwas. BJP National Vice-President Shri Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, National General Secretaries, Union Ministers, senior leaders and Delhi BJP President Shri Manoj Tiwari offered Swachhta Shramdaan at Jawahar Camp, Sewa Basti, Kirti Nagar and other places of Delhi. After the Shramdan the leaders presented saplings of Tulsi to the people of the Basti.
Addressing thousands of residents of the Basti present in the programme, Shri Sahasrabuddhe said that after Mahatma Gandhi, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is another great leader who is taking care of the health of the people by initiating Swatchh Bharat Abhiyan in the entire country. Hence on his Birthday we are offering Shramdan in the Basti and giving the message of cleanliness to the people.
He said that cleanliness should be a habit of all of us. If we have three habits then we can keep our Bastis clean. Firstly, we should clean our hands after visiting toilets, secondly, we should not litter the garbage collected after cleaning the house and thirdly, we should not spit in public places after chewing pan or gutka. If we have these three good habits then our sewa basti will be clean and the atmosphere will also be healthy which will help the residents to remain healthy. If you have respect and love for Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi then you should practice these things for keeping the Basti clean.
Addressing the people, Delhi BJP President Shri Manoj Tiwari said the PM celebrating his Birthday not by cutting cakes but by sharing pains and sorrows of the common people. In this connection the Sewa programmes are organised at 11 prominent places and 280 mandals in Delhi.
Shri Tiwari said that when the entire country is wishing long life to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on his Birthday, he has taken a great step to secure the long life to the people by launching Aayushman Bharat Yojna for 50 crore people of the country. Under this scheme the needy persons will be given assistance of 5 lakh rupees by the Government for 1250 types of surgical operations. He said that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given the message of cleanliness to the entire country to remain healthy and all of us should follow him. This will be the real felicitation to the Prime Minister on behalf of all of us.
On this occasion, Pradesh General Secretary Shri Rajesh Bhatia said the BJP workers organised Free Health Check up Camps at various placed of Delhi and also distributed fruits & sweets in hospitals and schools.
BJP senior leaders also participated in the Sewa Diwas in Delhi. BJP National General Secretaries Shri Bhupender Yadav in Gaushala near Yamuna Bazar, Shri Arun Singh and Pradesh General Secretary Shri Ravinder Gupta in Arya Samaj Mandir Sabji Mandi Makhanpura of Karol Bagh District, National General Secretary Dr. Anil Jain in Northern Basti MB Road, Union Minister Shri J.P. Nadda, MP Shri Maheish Girri in Community Centre of Bhikam Singh Colony under Vishwas Nagar of Shahdara District, Union Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan offered their Sewa in Ashok Vihar Community Centre under Keshavpuram District, Union Minister Smt. Smriti Irani in Kushtha Ashram RK Puram, Shri Vijender Gupta in Sector-16 Rohini, Pradesh Organisation General Secretary Shri Siddharthan in Madipur village, MP Smt. Meenakshi Lekhi in Indra Jhuggi Camp, General Secretary Shri Kuljeet Singh Chahal in IP Extension also offered their Sewa. Under the leadership of BJP Yuva Morcha President Shri Sunil Yadav, the workers performed Hawan in the Pradesh Office for the long life of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and took out a Vikas Yatra in Connaught Place on the achievements of Central Government.