BJP National Training Department conducted a meeting of the state training Convenors and Co-Convenors on 5 March, 2021 at BJP Central Office in New Delhi. Party National General Secretary (Organization) Shri BL Santhosh inaugurated the meeting and guided the participants present on this occassion. During this meeting, a review of Mandal Training camps held in 2020 and the District Training camps starting from March 15, 2021 were discussed.
In the next phase of the training programme it has been decided to organize training camps district wise throughout the country from March 15, 2021 to June, 2021.
Mandal training camps will be organised in those areas where training camps were not held so far. If the Mandal camps are completed the District Training camp programme will be started.
This national meeting was also addressed by National In-charge of Training Department Shri Muralidhar Rao, National Convenor Dr. Mahesh Chandra Sharma, Central Committee Member Shri Ravindra Sathe, Dr. Shiv Shakti Bakshi and Shri Hemant Goswami. The meeting ended with the concluding remarks of party Sangathak Shri V Satish.