Union Minister Shri Prakash Javadekar has requested people across the country to participate in the “Clean Air” program organised by the central government and plant a sapling or a tree on the occasion of World Environment Day. The world environment day is being celebrated on 5th June every year.
“Through this program, we are appealing the people to plant a sapling and click selfies with that plant and then upload it on social media with the #selfiewithsapling. That would be great participation because Modi government believes that environmental protection is not only a government program but a people’s program and we are ensuring people’s participation not only in this program but every program we organise in future,” Shri Javadekar said.
“Tomorrow at Paryawaran Bhawan headquarters, Kapil Dev and Jackie Shroff will plant trees and there would be subsequent programs in the upcoming week. We appeal to people to participate in this program because ultimately this year’s UN theme is “Clean Air”, so we have already launched clean air mission and for that planting saplings and growing trees are very important” he added.