Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi praised finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley and his entire team for this historic budget. He said budget has provisions to fullfil the expectation of everyone- from construction of highways to expansion of I-ways, from the cost of pulses to the data speed, from the modernization of railways to simple economic constructions, from education to health, from entrepreneurs to industry, from textile manufacturers to tax deduction.
Highlights of PM’s statement:
This Budget is a reflection of the development measures undertaken by the Government over the past two and a half years and the vision to carry forward the momentum in this direction.
The merger of the Railway budget with the Union Budget will help in integrated planning of the transport sector.
The focus of the budget is on agriculture, rural development and infrastructure which is also a reflection of the Government’s commitment to raise investment and create employment opportunities.
Government’s aim is to double the farmers’ income by 2022 and the policies and schemes have been designed keeping this in mind.
Maximum emphasis in this budget has been on the farmers, villages, poor, dalit and the underprivileged sections of the society.
There has been a considerable hike in the allocation of budget for health and higher education.
This budget will provide an impetus to the housing sector in rural as well as urban areas.
Railway Safety Fund has been set up..